Utah County Amateur Radio Emergency Service
A.R.E.S. is a national organization of Amateur Radio Operators trained in Emergency Communications under the direction of the American Radio Relay League.
“The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.” (http://www.arrl.org/ares)
UCARES is the A.R.E.S. group for Utah County and we coordinate directly with, and are supported by the Utah County Sheriff’s Office. We also have both official and un-official liaisons with numerous other public service agencies, emergency, health, and transportation entities throughout the County. Our members are all volunteers and hundreds if not thousands of volunteer hours each year are donated by our volunteers to our community. For more information on the groups we work with, take a look at our Liaisons page.
We are using Google Groups to stay connected off of the air. To sign up, please send an email to the organization leadership at the address “leadership@ucares.org”
Need an ELMER? Need help programing your radio or help with antennas? Send us an email to: leadership@ucares.org
Current meeting and EOC agency schedules can be found here!
UCARES Certification requirements can be found in the Resource Pages. Though not required to join ARES, Certification Levels demonstrate the level of proficiency and equipment you have, and are considered by UCARES leadership when making assignments for public service events and callouts.
Interested in participating?
- Start with reading through the Field Guide in the Resources section.
- Fill out the membership application form here.
- Check in with the training nets, Tuesday Nights at 9:00 PM MST on the 147.34 repeater (details in the field guide)
- Join us for the first Tuesday of the month face to face meeting. Click here to see meeting location and maps.
- Follow the group on Facebook and keep an eye on your email for event announcements and callouts.
Davis County Amateur Radio Club Swap Meet
The Annual Davis County Amateur Radio Club Swap Meet is coming up Saturday, September 21, 2024 at the Bountiful City Park 100 West 400 North, Bountiful, Utah. Tables are free and everyone is invited to attend. Setup is from 8:00 am to 9:00 am and selling begins at 9:00 am. We usually wrap up around 11:30 am. Please pass the word to all your members and anyone else that may be interested.
”ReadOctober Interface Meeting
Interface Meeting will be 1900 hours on October 1st at the UCSO North Annex Training Room, at 256 W 3200 N, Spanish Fork, UT, 84660 Click here for MAP
NEW HAM NIGHT 4th Tuesday
If you are new to ham radio and you need help programing your radio or have questions, come on out. We will be meeting at the Sheriffs office North Annex Training Room, meeting starting at 1900 hours (7PM). Map To SO Training Room
”ReadDEM-ARCT, formally RACES
To all DEM registered amateur radio operatoros,
At the annual Communications Conference held November 4th of this year, I introduced some changes that have been made with our terminology, protocol fo registration, and net operations. I have recordedd a fifteen minute audio training MP3 that all DEM registered amateiur radio volunteers need to listen to before the next net which will be held next Thursday evening. This is a requirement.
Please take the time to listen and review this audio training. If you have any problems accessing the file or questions about the message, send them by email only.
Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/el6tlhpnhav3l0govlv72/DEM-ARV-Training.mp3?rlkey=c0a2ewgug8jr61ojf9d50iam8&dl=0
Thank you.
Bob, N7GTE
”ReadHam Radio Classes and Exams
Free One-day Technician class, for information contact Steve at uvhamtest@gmail.com Also goto https://hamstudy.org/ for study help and to locate a exam session.
”ReadHamCon:Zion July 12-13, 2024
HamCon:Zion 2024 amateur radio convention expo ham radio
HamCon:Zion 2024https://www.hamconzion.com
Official website for HamCon:Zion 2024. HCZ:2024 is the premier amateur radio convention and expo serving ham radio enthusiast throughout the West.