April SET help needed

We are in need of 10 radio communicators. UCARES is sponsoring a training exercise with several Utah Co. city CERT teams in Spanish Fork on Saturday, April 21.

We need ARES members to go out with each CERT team and help with communications. This event will be from 0800-1300 so you will have the afternoon to clean the yard, or house. We don’t often get to work with CERT teams and this should be a fun (and chaotic) event.
Don’t feel that because you just got your ticket you can’t come and help–better now than when it’s real emergency communications.

Other forms of communication we will be running are HF, APRS and Packet from our SET EOC.
If you cannot come out to Spanish Fork, but can contact us on HF or Packet we want your help as well.

Send an email to ucares.set@gmail.com to let us know how you can help out.