Pony Express Days Parade

It’s that time again!!  Eagle Mountain Pony Express Days is here.

 The Utah County Sheriff’s Office is once again asking for our help in assisting them with some of the events in Eagle Mountain.  This year’s budget for deputies is not as large as it has been in the past and so the SO is having to work with fewer staff for these events.  Anyone that would like to participate is welcome to do so.  The details of the two events is listed below.  If you would like to participate in either or both events, just send me an email at kd7uqa@neuronacademy.com
WHERE: Intersections along Pony Express Parkway in Eagle Mountain
WHEN: June 2nd, 7 am to 12 noon
MEETING PLACE: At the MACC parked in Nolan Park, 7862 N Tinamous, Eagle Mountain, Utah
NEED: 6-12 volunteers to help with traffic control points along the route and to assist with lost children/parents