Sept. Interface – Summer Picnic

Interface for September will be the annual UCARES Summer Picnic held in the Orem City Park just east of State St. on Center St. We will be starting about 1800h (6pm).

Do not go to the Annex for September’s Interface or you will miss out on the food, the party, and the prizes!

If things go according to plan this will be just like years past. For newcomers (or those with short memories) this means:

Main dish (chicken, beef, and hotdogs) will be provided. We’re doing pot-luck for side-dishes (salads, deserts, etc.) so please bring your speciality.

Prizes will be raffled off; tickets will be given to everyone signed up with ARES, and every event you participated in this last year gets you an extra entry in the raffle — our way of saying “Thanks” for helping out during the year.

Location, etc.
Orem City Park (just east of State on Center St.)
starting about 1800h (6pm)
bring your family, and something to share (salads, deserts, etc.)

More details — and possibly corrected details — as we get closer, so watch this space and check your e-mail.